Saturday, May 22, 2010

First Local Tomatoes

Carpenter's Organic Produce now has the first locally grown tomatoes of the season at the Market.

The plants were started in the green house in January. They are drip irrigated with an organic nutrient solution. This seems to give the plants all the diverse micro-nutrients they require to produce really good tomatoes.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

First of May and the First Strawberries

Carpenter Organic Greenhouses and Produce have the first very early strawberries at the Market. The available yield is small so you have to get there early.

Here is a close up of the berries being grown. Note the drip irrigation tube.

The variety is "Seascape" a relatively new day neutral variety developed by the University of California at Davis.

Day neutral strawberries produce fruit throughout the growing season. They are great when space is limited, but the fruits are usually somewhat smaller than June bearers.

Here is a shot of the berry patch.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Rhubarb at the Market

Rhubarb from Wasem Fruit Farm.

The first rhubarb pie of the season

Very early strawberries are also at the Market, but you have to come early to get them.